Events Calendar
Connect in Community: Where do we go from here?
March 30, 2025 | 3-5PM ET | Zoom
Have you been struggling to keep up with what is happening in our world and make sense of the implications of what is happening?
Would it feel supportive to gather with others in community and share what is weighing on you and explore what to do next?
This Zoom session will be facilitated by Aravinda Ananda and Joseph Rotella. Rather than doing a full Work That Reconnects spiral with practices as is typical for Interhelp events, this event will prioritize time to be in conversation with one another, similar to if you were sitting at the dinner table together or at a cafe. We will have a combination small group conversations in breakouts, whole group discussion and music! As facilitators, we will offer some structure for our time together, and we will leave room for emergence with some of what we do together being shaped by the needs of who is present.
If we were meeting in person, we might enjoy sharing a potluck. Since we are meeting on Zoom, we encourage you to bring a cup of tea or snacks along for this connection and conversation cafe.
Register here.
Ritual Grief Space
April 6, 2025 | 4-6PM ET | Zoom
Join us for an ongoing series to share and witness our grief about what is happening in the world these days. This session will be facilitated by Interhelp Board member Joseph Rotella. Since we will be creating a ritual space together, people arriving more than 8 minutes after the start of a session will not be admitted. This event is being offered by donation: $0 to any amount of your choosing.
Register here.
Spring Seasonal Session: You Are Earth
April 22, 2025 | 7-8:30PM ET | Zoom
On Earth Day when so many groups are urging us to take action, let’s take a moment to anchor ourselves in the fact that we are part of the living body of Earth. We do not end at the boundaries of our bodies or our egos. We are much bigger than that-we are Earth itself. With that knowledge, our actions on behalf of Earth are not altruism that requires us to be “good”, but healthy self-interest that flows naturally from that wider sense of self. In this 90-minute gathering, we’ll touch on some of the exciting ideas of Deep Ecology, experience a guided meditation that will expand our sense of self, and be nourished by music and poetry.
Facilitated by Anne Goodwin
Register here.
Ritual Grief Space
June 1, 2025 | 4-6PM ET | Zoom
Join us for an ongoing series to share and witness our grief about what is happening in the world these days. This session will be facilitated by Interhelp Board member Joseph Rotella. Since we will be creating a ritual space together, people arriving more than 8 minutes after the start of a session will not be admitted. This event is being offered by donation: $0 to any amount of your choosing.
Register here.
Click here to learn more about our past programs.